Here are some of the organisations, clubs and common interest groups that regularly use our hall. If you would like to participate in any of them, then please contact the organisers via the method indicated.

Yoga Group
Classes are held most Tuesday nights, starting at 7:00pm and finishing at 8:15pm. If you’d like to attend then contact Helen Harris on 07813 667023 or

Art Group
Art Classes for all abilities and covering all types of media are normally held each week on a Friday. Classes start at 11:00am and last for 2 hours. If you’d like to participate, then please contact Diane Rotherforth on 07789 305640.

Jazz Group
If you own a Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Clarinet, Trumpet, Saxophone, or Trombone and would like the opportunity to play with other musicians, then please come along to our local jazz band practice. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday afternoon.
The music played mainly stems from the Ultimate Jazz Fake Book. Contact Mal on 07974 570378 for more information.

Garden Club
Garden Club meetings, with guest speakers on various topics are normally held from spring until autumn on the 4th Wednesday of each month starting at 7:30pm and finishing at 9:00pm.
Annual membership is only £18, with visitors welcome to attend at £4 per event. Contact Diane Darley on 07748 475509

Harpham Parish Council
Our local parish council holds its quarterly meetings, usually on a Monday night starting at 7:30pm. Agendas and minutes together with other services provided by them can be found on their website:

Harpham & Lowthorpe Churches
Spring Lunches are held during Lent, Afternoon Teas in July and a Christmas Fete in December to raise money for the upkeep of our local churches.